Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Homemade Yogurt: A shield of good bacteria

In my last post I mentioned that the homemade yogurt was a key element to the SCD diet.  Sometimes I eat it straight (with a little honey), mixed with nuts and raisins, in a "milkshake" (yogurt, cider, coconut milk and honey), in smoothies and as part of several baking recipes.  Not only is this yogurt better than anything you can buy in a store but it will save you money in the long run if you consume large amounts of yogurt each week.  A few months ago I was listening to an NPR story about how gut bacteria affects your brain (watch the video in the article for a really fun and interesting visual). Probiotics have been linked to alleviating anxiety and negative moods.  There are over a trillion strands of probiotics in homemade yogurt which multiplies each batch you make.
   On the SCD diet I am only allowed natural sugars that occur in honey and fruit.  Yogurt in stores are full of sugar especially low-fat options.  Using a yogurt maker you cook milk for 24 hours to make a lactose-free yogurt.  I've used everything from half and half to 1% milk.  I, obviously, enjoy half and half yogurt the best but for those who are concerned about consuming too much fat I would recommend using 2% milk.  If you go any lower it just simply isn't enjoyable.  I've included the steps, tools and ingredients required to make proper SCD homemade yogurt along with some pictures.

What You'll Need:
1.) A Yogurt Maker 
   -It must be able to cook for 24 hours
  -I suggest going to Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Yogurt makers are about $35-$40
2.) Several jars 
    -The yogurt maker may come with jars
   -My step-dad purchased a few mason jars and also found a larger cap for our yogurt maker so we could make more at one time
3.) A Cooking Thermometer
4.) A measurement cup that can hold at least half a gallon of milk 
5.) A container with a lid that can hold at least half a gallon of milk 

1.) Ultra-pasteurized milk 
-1/2 gallon
-At least 2%
-We use Organic Valley 
2.) Yogurt Starter
-This will only be used the first time.  After making one batch, save a small amount of yogurt to put in the new batch 

1.) Pour whole carton of milk into a large measuring cup (large enough to fit a 1/2 gallon)
2.) Microwave for 6 minutes
3.) Measure the milk temperature using a cooking thermometer 
      -needs to be between 110-120 degrees Fahrenheit 
4.) Stir milk with the thermometer
5.) Pour into a quart-sized container
     -needs to have a lid
6.) Pour 2 yogurtmet packets into the milk
     -For any batch after your first you'll put in a scoop of the previous batch 
7.) Shake it for 15 seconds
8.) Pour it back into the large measuring cup
9.) Pour it into each of the jars all the way to the top
10.) Put the jars in your yogurt maker
11.) Follow the directions for the yogurt maker
*It must be in the yogurt maker for 24 hours to properly get rid of all the lactose.  Most yogurt makers will tell you to keep the yogurt in for 8 hours
*1/2 gallon of milk may be too much when using the smaller jars that come with the yogurt maker.  I recommend measuring out how much milk will fill all the jars

 I really do believe eating the yogurt once a day has improved my moods and relieved me of some anxiety.  Homemade yogurt has been a huge factor in my healing process and it is delicious! 

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