(Anyone reading this probably knows me personally, but just humor me with this introduction)
"Hi my name is Shelley. I'd say I was a fairly typical human being with a few personal quirks thrown in the mix. I just recently moved to the Portland, OR area after spending the majority of my life living near and in the Furniture Capital of the World. I felt the pull of wanderlust, the promise of health improvements, and the welcome of my West Coast family to leave a place I called home for more than two decades. No matter where you are going it is always with a heavy heart if you have to say goodbye to people you love. I have been blessed to have lived enough places and loved enough people where I am never without the feeling that I am missing someone. On good days I look like this:
My identity has always partially been coupled with one or more food allergies, my slightly uncontrollable hair, and my somewhat overactive imagination. The last may make me a bit of an unreliable narrator in my own life's story but no one's perspective on life is completely reliable. I hope someone, somewhere will procure at least a little bit of entertainment from my southern observations on "weird Portland," a bread lovers anguish over a grain-free diet, and adventures of all sorts during this "qarter-life" crossroads.
(So, the song isn't over yet, but maybe you could enjoy it while doing laundry or something.)
Let the journey begin! :)
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